31 December, 2014

Goodbye 2014.

2014 was a long, rough, good, bad, year. Whatever it was as a whole, it's only got a few more hours left.

And I'm going to spend the hours sick, with a cold. :( And on my couch with some Netflix.

So, Happy New Years everyone! Be safe with whatever you're doing tonight.

12 December, 2014

10 December, 2014

[. L u L i .] New Releases \\ Nails!

Been learning how to do nail appliers for Slink hands and feet today. I put together two items for my little store. One dollarbie and one Christmas themed. :D

This pink one is my very first attempt at Slink enhancements and the first HUD I've ever made. xD It can be found HERE

The above Christmas themed nails can be found HERE.

01 December, 2014

Hello December.

December is going to take all of my Lindens. I swear. Ok wait, picture first, then we'll go through all the freakin' events that are happening right now. If nothing else so I can at least remember where my money went to at the end of the month.

Photo taken at The Bay.

Ok, so I already went to Uber because I absolutely needed this hair from Little Bones. I got the group gift of it and immediately needed the fatpack. I actually whipped out the LetMeIn HUD so I could get it on the first day instead of waiting till an event wasn't packed full like I usually try to do. I miiiiight go back for the shoes from Reign, but I dunno.

Speaking of Reign, I have to get to FaMeshed at some point to get the shoes they put out there because they are amazzzzing. I'll wait a bit to fight that lag though. I bought a bunch of shoes from Moda this week, so I can hold off a bit.

Already went to the anniversary round of Suicide Dollz, but will likely go back at some point in case I missed something in all the lag.

There's various Winter fairs and sales going on that I'll get to sometime this month.

And of course, the big one. The Arcade. I am a gacha FIEND. I will spend thousands there, I'm sure of it. But it's one that I will definitely wait a little bit to try to get into. Everytime I manage to actually make it on the sim during the first few days my computer has IMMEDIATELY crashed. Gives me time to save up so I can go for those rares I need. >.>