31 December, 2014

Goodbye 2014.

2014 was a long, rough, good, bad, year. Whatever it was as a whole, it's only got a few more hours left.

And I'm going to spend the hours sick, with a cold. :( And on my couch with some Netflix.

So, Happy New Years everyone! Be safe with whatever you're doing tonight.

12 December, 2014

10 December, 2014

[. L u L i .] New Releases \\ Nails!

Been learning how to do nail appliers for Slink hands and feet today. I put together two items for my little store. One dollarbie and one Christmas themed. :D

This pink one is my very first attempt at Slink enhancements and the first HUD I've ever made. xD It can be found HERE

The above Christmas themed nails can be found HERE.

04 December, 2014

01 December, 2014

Hello December.

December is going to take all of my Lindens. I swear. Ok wait, picture first, then we'll go through all the freakin' events that are happening right now. If nothing else so I can at least remember where my money went to at the end of the month.

Photo taken at The Bay.

Ok, so I already went to Uber because I absolutely needed this hair from Little Bones. I got the group gift of it and immediately needed the fatpack. I actually whipped out the LetMeIn HUD so I could get it on the first day instead of waiting till an event wasn't packed full like I usually try to do. I miiiiight go back for the shoes from Reign, but I dunno.

Speaking of Reign, I have to get to FaMeshed at some point to get the shoes they put out there because they are amazzzzing. I'll wait a bit to fight that lag though. I bought a bunch of shoes from Moda this week, so I can hold off a bit.

Already went to the anniversary round of Suicide Dollz, but will likely go back at some point in case I missed something in all the lag.

There's various Winter fairs and sales going on that I'll get to sometime this month.

And of course, the big one. The Arcade. I am a gacha FIEND. I will spend thousands there, I'm sure of it. But it's one that I will definitely wait a little bit to try to get into. Everytime I manage to actually make it on the sim during the first few days my computer has IMMEDIATELY crashed. Gives me time to save up so I can go for those rares I need. >.>

22 November, 2014


It's about that time.

Time to find work in a club again. Freelancing gets really boring and lonely sometimes. And with Ell taking a break from SL for an indefinite amount of time, I don't really hang out with anyone anymore. Standing around at Freelance sims doesn't generally inspire any sort of interesting conversations.

So been looking around at the adult clubs that are open right now and applying to a few. We'll see when anyone of them get back to me.


19 November, 2014

I guess I probably have to wear clothes sometimes.

Took a clothed picture just in case I need one for...something. hah. I guess I might need a SFW pic at some point.

18 November, 2014

New Profile Pic.

What even...

Looking around at small, low prim, cheap parcels because I'm thinking about setting up a little photo studio. And this place is next to one of the places I checked out. I would definitely not use the ground level if I got this spot and they were my neighbors. I mean, what is even going on here?

10 October, 2014

RL is a pain in the ass.

I haven't been around much because I've been preparing for a RL move. My RL BF got a promotion, with a decent increase in pay and hours, but it's in Texas. So been slowly packing up and arranging for our new home and all the other fun crap that goes along with an out of state move to a place you've never even been before.

The move is this week, so hopefully I'll be back more often in a week or so once we get settled into our new place.


I have no idea if you still check this or not, but here's a picture I took ages ago that I'm not sure you ever got the chance to see.

17 September, 2014

Another terrible club in the works.

A few weeks ago I had some girl at Redlight banned because she was spamming everyone that landed there about some new club. A few days later another girl, who was about 2 days old, messaged me and told me about the same club. She was at least polite so I asked for a LM to go check it out. And she didn't know what a LM was.

After about 45 minutes of explaining to her what it was, and how to make one, and her telling me about the owner of the club, she managed to give me a LM and I just sorta forgot about it.

Well today I noticed an adboard for the club and decided I'd go check it out for the hell of it. I landed and it was empty other than one other person standing outside. As I wandered around the owner eventually logged on outside as well. I tried finding an application giver but there was nothing. And btw, the decor was awwwful and looked like the club was straight outta 2009. But anyways, the traffic was 14k, on a full sim, and there was no one inside. One or two adboards rented and no history for highest tipped or highest donor. So I'm assuming botted traffic, though I could be wrong.

After a while of searching for the app I just decided to IM the owner since he was just outside. And here's what followed.

[12:24] Slut Fallen: Is there any sort of application or anything to fill out for your club? lol
[12:39] Club Owner: ?
[12:40] Slut Fallen: Is there an application to apply to work in your club? I went there and was looking for one but couldn't find anything.
[12:40] Club Owner: yes
[12:41] Club Owner: what's your username?
[12:41] Club Owner: I mean the viewer name, not the account
[12:41] Slut Fallen: Firestorm
[12:41] Slut Fallen: that's the viewer I'm using if that's what youre asking
[12:41] ** sends me a TP **
[12:42] Slut Fallen: did you mean display name? lol
[12:42] Club Owner: yes, sorry about that
[12:44] Slut Fallen: ok....both my username and display name should show in the IM. lol
[12:45] Club Owner: I'm on my phone. I can't see any of that
[12:45] Slut Fallen: ok. I'll just come back later and see if you have apps available then.
** I TP out **
[12:47] Club Owner: I can give you the application but it's something id like to take care of now
[12:48] Slut Fallen: Getting an app from a club shouldn't be so difficult. lol. It would be a good idea if you had an application giver set up so girls can just pick one up if they're interested without having to ask you and bug you while you're mobile.
[12:48] Club Owner: Once I get on my computer I doubt we'll talk :)
[12:48] Club Owner: that's true
[12:51] Club Owner: I will take care of that later. one second as I send the app
[12:52] Slut Fallen: no problem.
[12:52]  ** gives me a brochure about the club **
[12:52] Club Owner: you should have it now
[12:53] Slut Fallen: I have a brochure but nothing to fill out to apply to work there.
[12:53] Club Owner: lol I could give you the extensive one but it needs to be edited
[12:53] Club Owner: the idea is to make it as easy as possible
[12:53] Club Owner: one sec I have the one I give escorts
[12:53] ** Gives me a manual about escorts needing to rent an adboard, etc. **
[12:54] Club Owner: read over it and feel free to ask any question you'd like
[12:54] Club Owner: as long as you're able to agree to these policies, you are eligible for a job.
[12:54] Slut Fallen: well, typically an app has question to fill out and...apply. If I just look at the brochure and don't fill anything out, how do you know if you want me to work there and how do I tell you I want to work there? A brochure and a manual just tell the person what the place is like, not actually give them a way to say "Hey I wanna work for you, am I good enough?" So, thanks anyways, but no thanks. It seems like you aren't really set up to open or function yet. I'll check back some other time.
[12:56] Club Owner: I'm on my phone at work. this is me monitoring my current employees. Now you could kindly calm your ass down and wait for me to do this properly or you can go on your merry way. I told you ahead of time that this would be informal as I'm not on my computer
[12:56] Slut Fallen: If you don't even have an app for a girl to fill out though, how do you expect to get any additional employees?
[12:57] Club Owner: if you want the pretentious bullshit, there you go. all in the notecard.
[12:58] Club Owner: this is SL. not many are willing to waste time filling an application like its a real world deal. they want to be out there working for their money. those are the people who make it here
[12:58] Slut Fallen: Wow, FINALLY got an application, when that's what I IMed asking for in the first place. You were the one that went through and sent a ton of other bullshit when I Just asked for a simple item. No thank you, no longer interested and good luck. If you didn't have one for me to fill out you could have just said "we don't have an app" and told me how you go about hiring girls.
[12:58] Slut Fallen: Again, thanks but no thanks, and good luck.
[12:58] Club Owner: You as we'll.
[12:58] Club Owner: *well
** I closed the IM **

[13:00] Club Owner: the application was valid but as we've relocated we're also working on our method of application. I explained that to you yet you insisted on an app. The manual states your eligibility, and the brochure shows you what the club is about. If you aren't eligible then what's the point of giving an application?
[13:00] Club Owner: People who come off the way you did tend to jump the gun. nonetheless good luck.
[13:00] Slut Fallen: no, you didn't explain it. You just said gave me a bunch of random notecards and then told me the app wasn't ready and I said I would go back later. But it's a moot point now as I'm not interested and I doubt you'd want me there anyways. Have a good day.
** At this point I just blocked him **

So. Needless to say I will NOT be working at Club V***. And I wouldn't recommend them to anyone either.

16 September, 2014


[11:48] Mario: webcam ?
[11:48] Slut Fallen: no, sorry.
[11:49] Mario: ok sorry
[11:55] Slut Fallen: its ok
[11:56] Mario: webcam ?
[11:56] Slut Fallen: no, you JUST asked me that not even 10 minutes ago.
[11:57] Mario: ok sorry
[11:57] Slut Fallen: its ok.

Honestly I said "its ok" the second time because I was curious to see if he'd say "webcam ?".

Urf, still here!

Sorry I've been away from here for so long. >.< RL has been a bit stressful. My RL BF applied for a promotion and he got it, which is great news, BUT it's in another state. So we've been trying to figure out paying for the relocation, and trying to work with the relocation assistance his company says they'll provide, along with looking for a place to live and just.... sometimes I'm just too stressed out trying to prepare for this move to actual sit down and WRITE anything. But, things are slowly coming together and we should be headed out to Dallas-Fort Worth by mid-October.

Because I'm not sure when we'll get the internet hooked up then I've also been trying to bust my butt earning tier money to pay for my home and my lounge weeks in advance so I won't have to worry about them going away if I'm without internet for a week or so. We'll see how that goes. >.<

But while I was standing at Redlight earlier I did see this....interesting girl laying in the street. She's still there and sort of wiggling her butt back and forth a bit. I'm not entirely sure what she's doing. It looks like she's not sure how to complete a pushup so she's just....wiggling instead. I...I don't know.

28 August, 2014

My neighbor is an excellent decorator.

I ended up derendering and blacklisting everything on their parcel because 1.) It's ugly and 2.) the lag was killer. As I was derendering I counted no less than 9 breedables/zooby animals with full hovertext and movement enabled. >.<

27 August, 2014

She a stupid ho.

This is a thought that I've been mulling over in my mind on and off for a while. And to be quite honest, it's something that I think can definitely apply to SL and RL.

Why is it generally assumed that being a slut means a person isn't intelligent? Or somehow inherently "bad"?

I've gotten a lot of comments on my SecondLife name over the 4 years I've been using this avatar. I've been denied employment in clubs because of it. They wanted a "classier" image and my name didn't fit in. Alright, whatever works. I've had people exclude me from non-sexual activities and god forbid I accidentally end up somewhere PG or family friendly. I got told off once on a Moderate sim that didn't allow escorting. I wasn't there TO escort. I was there because a friend wanted to show me a train they had set up there.

All of these things were issues I expected from my SL name, but I just laugh them off because hey, I get it. My name is Slut and not everyone is comfortable with that. My display name is different for a reason. A lot of people have told me they aren't comfortable calling me slut and I'm more than ok with that. In fact sometimes it's almost jarring to me now when someone I don't know uses it because I sometimes forget it's my name. My FAVORITES though are the ones that ask me if it's ok they call me slut, or if I mind it. And I always have to laugh and say, "Well, I gave myself that name so...."

Anyways, getting sidetracked. Clearly my having the name "Slut" and being an escort in SecondLife and well, just all around SLUTTY in general hasn't had a negative impact on my intelligence.

In RL I've been promiscuous as well. My RL BF and I enjoy threesomes and gangbangs. I met him because he was one of my 1,000+ followers of my RL sex blog and to paraphrase, he started talking to me because he fell in love with my wet pussy. THOUSANDS of people have seen the RL me naked. I couldn't even give you a precise number of how many cocks have been in my mouth. Or even the name of all the men I've slept with. And disclaimer, I've always been safe/sane/consensual, been tested, used condoms, all the normal things people balk at when I say I've been just as much of a slut in RL as in SL.

But those things are my choice to do. It's my choice if I want to show off my tits. Or if I want to fuck 5 men in a night. My RL BF and I have a strong, stable relationship. We live together and we tell each other everything. I don't cheat on him. We're comfortable and happy with our relationship, and he loves that I'm a slut. And I love it too.

But look.... even after having dozens of cocks in me.... I'm still able to coherently write and express myself! I still received an excellent education. I still graduated high school with an A average. I still got scholarships to college. I'm still a classically trained musician. And I'm still a slut.

Enjoying being a "slut" and being intelligent are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Nor is being a slut my entire personality. Of course I like male attention. And female for that matter. I enjoy sexually charged conversations and roleplay. I enjoy SEX. I also enjoy cooking. And writing. And spending time with loved ones. And watching geeky tv shows and playing video games. Being a self proclaimed, and proud, slut is not the entirety of my being. And if I'm happy with the way I am, and I'm not affecting your life at all, then who are you to judge me for it? You may have your preconceived notions of stupid sluts and dumb whores, and I understand. But you might want to reconsider it, just a tad.


Ahhh this annoyed me at first, but there's no stopping it, so I've just gotta laugh it off.

I'm a profile stalker. Always have been. When I'm bored or standing around somewhere I look at profiles of people around me. If someone on my friend list changes their display name, I look at their profile. If I haven't talked to them in a while, I look at their profile. You get the idea.

Anyways, there's a girl I know that's starting her own club. And whatever, more power to her. Clubs are hard sometimes but if she wants to do it, go for it. I look at her profile and she's got a section for her rules for being hired for her services.

And 90% of it is copy/pasted from my escort card. BUT. You can tell which 10% she added because all of her additions have spelling and grammatical errors. HAH.

This is nothing new really. I see my notecards and my words pop up all the time. I was working at this one club for a while as a manager years ago, then left for a while. When I went back a year or so later they asked me to apply to be manager again and gave me an application. And it was still the manager application I had made the year previous. Sometimes I look at a club notecard and the words and formatting looks super familiar and I'll check the properties of the card. It's not always an edited one of mine, but it occasionally it. Same with escorting cards.

And like I said, it can't really be STOPPED, so whatever. I guess it's flattering that people think my cards and words are put together well enough to steal. *laughs*

21 August, 2014

N•8 → Boyfriend Jeans

B O D Y ↓
• Shape // My Own
• Skin // Glam Affair - Rose Skin in Asia
• Hair // MINA Hair - Jett/Brett [Ombre Pack] @ K U S T O M 9
• Lashes // Mon cheri - Falsies 
• Teeth // [whatever] - Teeth 2.0 * NEW *
• Ears // Mandala
• Hands // Slink
• Boobs // Lolas - Tango Delicq

A C C E S S O R I E S ↓
• Choker // Blah. - My Penta Choker @ Black Fashion Fair

C LO T H E S ↓
• Top // REIGN - Bowtie Top
• Pants // Spirit Store - Gwen Boyfriend Jeans in Light Blue * NEW * 
• Shoes // REIGN - Stark Pumps
 • Clutch // Amitomo Clutch Bag - Rare 1 - Gacha @ K U S T O M 9

20 August, 2014


If the ONLY times you IM me or try to talk to me are the times you are emoting ripping off my skirt or some other action or line intended to get some free sex..... you are never, ever going to get to fuck me for free. If you have in the past, you won't ever again because you're annoying the shit out of me.

You WILL however get an all expenses paid trip to my block list.

19 August, 2014

Pantie Dropper

This guy is DEFINITELY way too sexy for all of us. We may as well just give up right now.

14 August, 2014

Edited to pass the time.

Standing around Escort Oasis with all of one IM in the last 2 hours. Sigh.

Summer time is always slow. And my two best regs are missing in action, sort of. One of them spends a lot on me for a month and the disappears for about 3. Lather, rinse, repeat. Has been going on for a few years now. The other one and I haven't been on at the same time. Generally when I log on he's just started with a different [cheaper] girl, or finished with her. And I refuse to lower my rates for him because what he likes doing is a huge pain in my ass.

I don't even have shopping funds this week. Or last week. What little I've earned has gone all towards paying tier for my home, my lounge, and my adboards. When it rains, it pours. But when it stops, well. And so many shopping events going on right now that I can't even THINK about going to. I've been avoiding looking at Flickr and my SL Facebook just because I know I'm gonna see so many things I want but can't currently afford. lol.

Ah well. Summer is almost over and it generally picks up in the Fall/Winter.

ANYWAYS. Point of this was I was working on editing this pic while standing around EO, just because freelancing gets awfully boring sometimes. And I'm quite please with how it turned out.

I can't even pretend to understand myself sometimes.

[01:19] Slut FallenSlut Fallen humps your face.
[01:20] Ell Amaterasu: O_O gad dammn
[01:20] Slut FallenSlut Fallen implants her eggs in your nose.
[01:20] Ell Amaterasu: ROFL EWW
[01:20] Ell Amaterasu: I don't wantcha damn lady eggs in mah nose
[01:21] Slut FallenSlut Fallen duct tapes your nostrils shut.
[01:21] Slut Fallen: O.O
[01:22] Slut Fallen: Carry..... our children Ell.
[01:22] Slut FallenSlut Fallen dies.
[01:22] Ell Amaterasu: ROFLMFAO
[01:22] Ell Amaterasu: IN WHAT MY BRAIN?
[01:22] Slut FallenSlut Fallen comes back from the dead to gasp a raspy, "...yessssszz....", then dies again.
[01:23] Ell Amaterasu: Gurl when you went to dairy queen and they asked you if you wanted extra salt. You didn't say yes then give a wink did ja?
[01:24] Slut Fallen: I had burger king.
[01:24] Slut Fallen: I dunno what kinda icing was on the cinnabon dessert though

13 August, 2014

What the hell am I doing?

I just had to share this AWFUL animation with you. lol.

Cropped to protect the guy's name but seriously... this animation. What the hell. He was supposed to be yanking me around by the hair but....wow.

12 August, 2014

Hey look, a threesome!

I kept getting chased around by region restarts tonight. First my home, then the lounge, then a random skybox I have, then my rental office... so finally I ended up searching for "adult" and TPing to a random location. While standing there I started looking around and being the nosy bitch I am, camming on the people in the area. And this is what I found.

Awwww yis, that is one hot threesome. While I was cropping this pic his two playtoys left, and of course he ended up IMing me. He said my pussy makes him horny.

Eh, not really any of my friends or clients on. I'm bored. I'll play along for a little while.

11 August, 2014

Oh. That makes sense.

I was wondering how Platinum still had 30k+ traffic even though every time I go in there it's empty. Granted, I don't go there OFTEN, but the times I do there's been 2-5 people in the club. Then I cammed up and oh.... yeah. That makes sense.

Are VooDoo sploders still going to be SL legal after the new gaming TOS kicks in?

I haven't been ignoring anyone, I promise.

SecondLife has been weird for me and I don't know how long it's been going on. I just noticed it the other day when talking to Ell but basically....

Sometimes I don't get IMs. And I don't mean they go to my offlines even when I'm logged on. Offlines go to my e-mail and I haven't gotten any of them there. And they don't show up when I relog. They're just....gone.

So now I'm paranoid that people have been IMing me, I've not seen it or known and then they think I've just been ignoring them. I swear I haven't.

I've been looking for ways to fix it but I haven't found anything yet. I just tried a complete reinstall after I discovered the problem so I don't know if it's fixed now or not.

So basically, I promise I have not been intentionally ignoring anyone.

If you think I've not been getting your IMs please comment here or drop me a Notecard....and I'm super sorry if I've made anyone made or hurt any feelings because of this. D:

01 August, 2014

*head desk*

I was helping this guy decorate his giant sim sized manor, for FREE I might add, just because I like decorating. I was using items already in my inventory since he didn't give me any shopping money and I wasn't about to spend my money buying stuff for his house.

He's always kind of bugged me, especially when he tries to order me around like he knows me. But after I decorated 3 or so rooms for him, he just stopped talking to me at all. Which I didn't mind too much. I'd briefly considered going back to his manor and picking up my items, but I figured I'd leave them be since they were pretty much all C/M items.

Then tonight he decides he's ready to [ kind of? ] talk to me again. It's been at least a month, maybe more, since the last time I went to his manor.

[03:16] Decorating Impaired: what are you up to ?
[03:17] Slut Fallen: Checking out the new round of fameshed
[03:17] Decorating Impaired: huh ?
[03:17] Slut Fallen: a shopping thing
[03:17] Decorating Impaired: i need to finish decorating
[03:17] Slut Fallen: you still haven't finished?
[03:18] Decorating Impaired: you said you woudl help
[03:18] Decorating Impaired: I don't do it on my own
[03:18] Decorating Impaired:I get females tod o it
[03:18] Slut Fallen: I did! I worked on three or four rooms.
[03:18] Decorating Impaired: My place would looka  mesh
[03:18] Decorating Impaired: if I tried
[03:18] Decorating Impaired: lol
[03:19] Slut Fallen: I did several rooms. Then you just sorta stopped talking to me so I figured you were done decorating.
[03:21] Decorating Impaired: come here *He TPed into FaMeshed, landing right in front of me*
[03:21] Slut Fallen: where?
[03:21] Decorating Impaired: right next to you
[03:21] Slut Fallen: Im like, almnost right behind you.
[03:24] Decorating Impaired:c omming ? * I have no idea where he was. I was lagging bad so just camming around *
[03:27] Slut Fallen: Where?

And then I TPed home.

It's been about 20 minutes since then and he still hasn't told me where he had wanted me to go. Or maybe he was just trying to ask if I was having a shopping induced orgasm.

30 July, 2014

N•7 // Garden Lingerie

It's been a while since I've done a style post and since I can't stop looking at myself tonight I figured this was as good a time as any to correct that.

ALSO, elikatira, which is where this amazeballs hair is from, is having a big sale to celebrate her 9th rezday! Until August 22, 2014 all hair is L$99 for a single color pack and L$550 for the FATPACK! 

:D You seriously can't beat that. Elikatira has been one of my top hair stores since I joined SL.

B O D Y ↓
• Shape // My Own
• Skin // Glam Affair - Rose Skin in Asia
• Hair // elikatira - Marnie  ** NEW **
• Eyes // Insufferable Dastard - Shine (Soft)  in Indigo ** NEW ** 
• Lashes // Mon cheri - Falsies 
• Teeth // DeeTalez 
• Ears // Mandala
• Hands // Slink
• Booty // L.Inc - Cute Azz
• Boobs // Lolas - Tango Delicq

A C C E S S O R I E S ↓
• Necklace // Cute Poison - Tagged Necklace
• Bangles L // Bishes

C LO T H E S ↓
• Lingerie Set // The Whore Mansion - Selena Lingerie in Azure
• Shoes // REIGN - Liberty Wedges HIGH in Teal 

P O S E ↓
• Cream // Implant Poses IV 

24 July, 2014


Yesterday was incredibly frustrating and I can't discuss it in detail because it could still cause problems for me.

Frankly, it was NOT as bad as I was expected but there were still moments where I was so....INDIGNANTLY ANGRY that my hands went cold and I had to take a deep breath to steady myself.

I will say this.... At least when I call someone out about something it's based on things that I've observed over several occasions rather than "what I heard" or ONE supposed example that I didn't even ask about before jumping conclusions.


So there.


Ok. I actually feel a tiny bit better now. Sorry for the vague blogging, but somethings are better left unsaid in a public forum.

23 July, 2014

One more post....

Ryu wanted a picture with Ell and I and I liked the way it came out. Then Ell and I wanted a version of it with just the two of us too.

Take Me Away

Sometimes SL can be a lonely place. I'm not that good at making friends. I dunno why. Well, part of it is my name obviously attracts people that just wanna fuck a lot. But past that. I'm kinda weird. I don't ever feel comfortable IMing someone first until I've known them for a while or we have gotten comfortable with each other. I work a lot and sometimes hanging out means being at the club with me.

But sometimes dancing/escorting/managing get overwhelming and I just want someone to explore with. Play a game of greedy with. Cuddle. Go shopping. Be silly and run around tormenting people.

Ell is usually busy on her RP sim so I don't see her often. We IM constantly of course but we don't get much avatar face time. I spend a lot of time standing around my skybox or in the club alone or taking pictures.

I definitely don't meet a lot of men I feel connections with either. Hercule was ok at first, ages ago. He spoiled me and we spent time together on his sim but then he got....weird. He spent most of his time building and I would get bored standing there watching him while he occasionally TP'd me to where he was terraforming and would sometimes tickle me. Then he blamed me for not entertaining him enough. Whatevs. His English was hard to understand more often than not and he was high......again, more often than not.

Of course I miss Lu and shopping and fucking and dancing with him. And of  course logging into presents from him. But I've already discussed that some in here.

Kovu has come back, again. On another new name. But I haven't seen him online at all. Just got a couple offlines and a friend request. Plus, when he came back last time I just ended up getting hurt again when he decided that since I wasn't on as much as I used to be before I had my RL BF that he'd write in his profile his "partner box didn't really matter". Still upset about that. I don't partner people easily. In fact there's been exactly two people in my 4+ years of SecondLife.

I dunno. I want more SL friends and I want a guy to be with in SL. Someone that makes me look forward to logging on and talking to them.


I should get some sleep. I have to get up early (for me anyways) to go to a manager's meeting for the club. I dunno what to expect from that. Maybe some complaining that I'm not on during the day. But I'm a nightowl. That's just how it is.

Cunt cunt cunt cunt.

This. This too. Also extremely applicable to how I'm feeling.

Beez In The Trap

This surprisingly sums out how I'm feeling tonight pretty well.

Bitches ain't shit, and they ain't sayin' nuthin'
A hundred muthafuckas can't tell me nuthin'
I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap
I beez in the trap, bee, beez in the trap

Damn, damn what they say about me?
I don't know man, fuck is on your biscuit?
If I get hits, swinging on a big bitch
I don't know man, I'm shittin' on your whole life

19 July, 2014

You keep using that word.....

I do not think it means what you think it means.

Errrg. Guy IMs me tonight and asks if I would be willing to blow him in IMs while his wife was asleep. I say I don't do it for free and he says he'll pay me L$500 to RP Chun Li blowing him.

Now, 500 is quite a bit less than I normally charge. But I decided screw it. It's just in IMs and it's not something I've done before. I'm not fully sure how to be Chun Li giving a blow job but I'll go for it. I clarify that it is just in IMs and he says yes, he loves ParaRP. Alright. Cool. Let's do this.

He pays me the 500L and emotes leaning against his desk and unzipping his pants and saying that it'd better be the sluttiest Chun Li ever.

I start emoting.

Slut Fallen smiles, sinking to her knees gracefully. Her short skirt riding up her powerful thighs as she does. Without a word she reaches eagerly for your cock, slender hand slipping in to grasp your shaft firmly in her grip.
Wants to bang Chun Li: *smirking down at her, his cock growing in her hnad* Its a good start..
Slut Fallen licks her lips, feeling the firmness against her fingers, pulling you free from your pants. Looking up at you and flashing a bit of a playful wink, her strong grip squeezing your shaft before she leans in to drag her tongue firmly across the head
WTBCL: ALright, want you to really convince me Im getting blown by Chun, come on..
WTBCL: I want her swallowing my cock..
Slut Fallen: not at all interested in paraRP foreplay I see.
Slut Fallen: fine [ at this point I started typing up an emote about shoving him back on his desk and taking all of his cock, but his next message came before I'd finished it and what he said annoyed me. This is when I decided to say fuck it, I'm not gonna do this RP. ]
WTBCL: Paying you to service me..
WTBCL: I want a slutty ass Chun Li, come on..
Slut Fallen: ok, yes, but you didn't tell me you wanted me to just slam your dick in my mouth. You said you liked paraRP, so I was gigving you para RP.
WTBCL: I do, I like detailed descriptions..
Slut Fallen: and that's what I was doing. If I'm not your style of para RP then I will refund your 500L and wish you luck.
WTBCL: Just want Chun blowing me, is that so tough? lol
Slut Fallen: apparently for me it is. Sorry I can't seem to do your particular kind of paraRP since my emotes weren't what you wanted. Good luck finding someone who can do it to your satisfaction.

And I did return his 500L.

I mean, sure, I probably could have just started slamming his dick down my throat but I was annoyed and it wasn't really worth the 500L. When he said paraRP and started by unzipping his fly I assumed he wanted.... I dunno, R FREAKING P. I can give detailed descriptions about his cock in my throat but if he had wanted it to start there or go immediately there, he should have told me. Otherwise I was going to paraRP the whole scene because he said he liked paraRP. Then he just sorta irked me. I mean, it's not like he was giving me any sort of RP to go off of on his end.

He didn't say anything else after my last message and I removed him from my friends list. He wasn't terrible or anything, just pushed my buttons in the wrong way and the amount I was getting for it wasn't enough to make me suck it up. No pun intended.

12 July, 2014

Are you an escort?

I think I'm going to start posting every time I get this question. And I'd like to add the first pick in my profile is also about my being an escort.

Sometimes when I'm working on pictures or watching tv or just plain tired enough I might doze off, I go to freelance sims instead of working in the club. Mainly because if I fall asleep I don't want to ignore people coming into a club. But if I fall asleep at a freelance sim then I generally get woken up by the sound of the IM. And if I don't, it's not a huge deal.

Anyways, this is a thing that gets asked on a regular basis. This time it was at Redlight Escorts.

[16:43] B____: heya
[16:44] Slut Fallen: hi :)
[16:44]  B____: how r u babe/?
[16:44] Slut Fallen: not bad, yourself?
[16:45]  B____: good thanks
[16:45]  B____: do u escort babe?
[16:47] Slut Fallen: yep, it's why I'm wearing an escort tag on an escort sim. lol xD
[16:48]  B____: hey ive mey plenty of girls that have a tag like that,whom only like hanging around these types of places lol......do u cam at all?
[16:49] Slut Fallen: that seems pointless. lol. I've never known a girl with an escort tag on an escort sim to NOT be a escort. haha. But no, sorry, I don't cam.

Comparison to...wut?

This guy tips me and my friend nearly 2k each, then ask for our rates. I don't even.... wut. And this is after he spent a good 20 minutes trying to make be mean to him and talking about forcing my friend to serve him and not caring about consent.

[03:32] Him: . I wouldn't hire either of you.. just from comparison..
[03:32] Him: . but you seem like sweet girls..
[03:32] Him: good night.
[03:33]  Ϯ ℒily ĸιттεн Ϯ : That's fine. I wouldn't hire you either ;)
[03:33] Him: .. :). and that's fine by me.
[03:33]  Ϯ ℒily ĸιттεн Ϯ : lol, have a good night :)

11 July, 2014


I know I've been MIA for a while. I'll do a longer post later tonight or tomorrow. Right now though I'm gonna stand around Escort Oasis, eat some Jalepeno Cheetos and watch Hell's Kitchen while I wait to see if I can earn some shopping money tonight. xD

Fucccck me.

Someone send me like, L$20,000 please. Project Limited just started and I need everything. EVERYTHING. Especially some of the shoes.

Love. Love love love love love.

19 June, 2014

Wanna lick?

While I was trying to decide what Windlight setting to use for this pic there was a random guy wandering around. Eventually he decided to message me.

[06:37] Nosy Guy Resident: hi
[06:37] Slut Fallen: hi
[06:38] Nosy Guy Resident: so you serll ice cream ?
[06:38] Nosy Guy Resident: sell
[06:38] Slut Fallen: lol no, the ice cream is free
[06:39] Nosy Guy Resident: wow
[06:39] Nosy Guy Resident: then what you sell ?
[06:39] Slut Fallen: here? I don't sell anything at this place
[06:39] Nosy Guy Resident: ok , so where is your store ?
[06:40] Slut Fallen: I don't have a store.
[06:40] Nosy Guy Resident: hmm, then what you have ?
[06:41] Slut Fallen: I don't make things to sell. I'm just here to take a picture. I work in adult clubs and sell myself.
[06:41] Nosy Guy Resident: sell yourself ?
[06:41] Slut Fallen: yes
[06:41] Nosy Guy Resident: how much you sell and how much you left ;-)
[06:42] Nosy Guy Resident: did you get my joke ?
[06:42] Slut FallenSlut Fallen laughs, "I sell time with myself, where you get to do whatever you want with me. I didn't come here for that though. I just came here to make a picture."
[06:43] Nosy Guy Resident: ok
[06:43] Nosy Guy Resident: can i see your picture
[06:43] Nosy Guy Resident: what you are making
[06:43] Slut Fallen: its not done yet
[06:44] Nosy Guy Resident: how you are making picture ?
[06:44] Nosy Guy Resident: you do not have brush in you hand
[06:44] Slut Fallen: Im special
[06:44] Nosy Guy Resident: are making picture with ice cream ?
[06:44] Slut Fallen: yes
[06:45] Nosy Guy Resident: ohh, so can we eat picture when it will complete ;-)
[06:47] Slut Fallen: please dont push me. you moved me from the spot I was trying to take the picture in
[06:48] Nosy Guy Resident: oh i just came to see your picture
[06:48] Nosy Guy Resident: i am sorry
[06:48] Slut Fallen: its not done yet
[06:48] Nosy Guy Resident: ok
[06:48] Nosy Guy Resident: what your customers say ?
[06:49] Nosy Guy Resident: what thing is best in you ?
[06:49] Slut Fallen: they like how big my tits are and hot tight my pussy is.
[06:51] Nosy Guy Resident: really , how can i believe, can you show me ?
[06:51] Slut Fallen: no free show and tell.
[06:51] Nosy Guy Resident: and what you do in rl ?
[06:51] Slut Fallen: eat ice cream
[06:52] Nosy Guy Resident: you mean sell ice icream ?
[06:52] Slut Fallen: no, eat.
[06:52] Nosy Guy Resident: i mean what you do for leaving
[06:52] Nosy Guy Resident: living
[06:52] Slut Fallen: eat ice cream
[06:53] Nosy Guy Resident: ahh, so you eat ice cream in competitions ?
[06:54] Nosy Guy Resident: how can i take ice cream ?
[06:55] Slut Fallen: click on the open cooler on that bike and pick a flavor
[06:56] Nosy Guy Resident: ahh it is very cool
[06:56] Nosy Guy Resident: so your pic is complete ?
[06:57]  ** this is where he sent me a friend request after I TPed away*

[06:57] Slut Fallen: no. I took it now I need to edit it
[06:57] Nosy Guy Resident: ok

10 June, 2014

Pft, fine then.

I usually don't mind getting unfriended by people. And if it's someone I don't talk to at least once a week I might not even notice for.....ages. If ever. Generally I figure if people don't want to talk to me, and we never really hang out or talk, then sure. Unfriend me. I unfriend people all the time. Generally when I look at their name and realize I either don't remember who they are -OR- I can't remember the last time we even spoke to one another.

But today I went to IM someone I had just talked to on Friday. We were on the same RP sex sim and had met each other months ago at a club we were both working at the time. We hung out and chatted a bit Friday morning and I told him a bit about RL. Namely how I don't drive because I don't like it. It gives me panic attacks and I hate it so I don't do it. I also mentioned how I don't have a bank account because I don't have a job. He made a comment about how I'm dependent on my BF. And I am, I know that. But there are LOTS of reasons I have panic attacks and several health reasons why I don't have a job. I didn't tell him about those though because they're super personal. Then I crashed while I had gone afk to make something to eat. When I came back and saw I'd crashed I just went and laid down since I hadn't slept yet that day.

So, this morning I got a house on the RP sim and I went to send him an offline and tell him we're pretty much neighbors now.... and he'd unfriended me.

Like, da fuck? I think this one bothers me because I'd actually opened up to him a little bit on Friday about my RL, which he was asking about btw, and then he decided he doesn't want shit to do with me anymore? Well fuck right off then. I'm sorry if my RL circumstances, which you know next to NOTHING about, or my crashing makes you want to not be my friend anymore you can seriously bite me.

09 June, 2014

Hands off my snake coils if you ain't got no $L.

This morning's strange free sex request took place at Escort Oasis.

NagaLover: you're a naga, the top half of you is human, however you can unhinge your jaw to swallow another human whole, from the waste down you're snake with thirty foot coils. What do you do if I walk up to you and touch your long thick coils?
Slut Fallen: I'd say I'm here to work at the moment and I don't do RPs while I'm working for free.
NagaLover: Well what would you do with me if you were a naga and I paid?
Slut Fallen: Sorry, don't accept hypothetical RP payment either. You'd likely have better luck with this on a beast/fantasy sex RP sim.

06 June, 2014


I hate height detectors. I mean, I get they're useful. And I don't want child avatars running around on adult sims. But it's still annoying that I get sent home by them. D: My avatar does NOT look underage. I'm just SL short/RL Normal sized. I know, I know, it's easier and more fair to have a uniform standard of what the sim/parcel calls childlike and the size is easy to enforce and blah. I get it. And I don't expect any of the places I go with it to change it or make an exception for me. But I'm still gonna groan each time I get ported out because of my height. The ruler I use puts me at just under 6 feet tall. SL puts me at about 5'5", give or take an inch for shoes. I'm 5'5" - 5'6" in RL and I like being that size in SL too.

I mean, c'mon. Do I look like I'm 10 or something?

03 June, 2014

Remember the "Worst Club Ever"?

Stumbled across them again. They moved to another sim and when I checked had EIGHTEEN bots on their parcel, one AFK owner and one adboard rented for a dancer. No escorts of their own.

At some point I kinda thought they'd get tired of shelling out the money for this place since I can't image they're breaking even with any clients that might wander in.

27 May, 2014

I will make you feel amazing tonight…I need you now

Apparently this guy thought The Dark Style Fair was a good place to find a quick fuck.

[03:55] Not here to shop: hey
[03:55] Slut Fallen: hello!
[03:55] NHTS: how are you today?
[03:55] NHTS: so beauty in rl..
[03:55] Slut Fallen: Im doing good, you?
[03:55] NHTS: saw your profile phto
[03:56] Slut Fallen: thanks!
[03:56] NHTS: so beauty
[03:56] NHTS: wahts the time in rl?
[03:57] NHTS: i live in seoul, korea
[03:57] Slut Fallen: its 4am for me
[03:57] NHTS: alone in rl?
[03:57] Slut Fallen: no
[03:57] NHTS: friends?
[03:57] Slut Fallen: no. I live with my boyfriend.
[03:58] NHTS: oh ok
[03:58] NHTS: same room?
[03:58] Slut Fallen: yeah. He's asleep in the bed. Its right next to the desk where I am.
[03:58] NHTS: oh really
[03:58] Slut Fallen: yup.
[03:59] NHTS: I will make you feel amazing tonight…I need you now
[03:59] Slut Fallen: I'm an escort, so I don't do that for free. You can have my card with my prices though if you'd like.
[03:59] NHTS: oh sorry
[04:00] Slut Fallen: its ok
[04:01] NHTS: sorry
[04:01] Slut Fallen: its fine
[04:04] Slut Fallen: did you come here to hit on girls? lol
[04:04] NHTS: yes
[04:05] Slut Fallen: most girls that come here are probably just here to shop, not go home with a guy
[04:05] NHTS: oh thanks

He stuck around for maybe another 15/20 mins and mostly hung out at the landing point the entire time.

22 May, 2014

Oh those nights I can't sleep.

I just finished making a dozen deviled eggs at 6am.


I wanted a hard boiled egg, and my BF loves my deviled eggs so I was like, fuck it. I'll boil the whole dozen.

15 May, 2014

Desert Fairy

Snapped this pic last night while I was at some random "free fuck" sim. I thought it was cute. xD

Had several guys trying to hit on me and I was kinda a bitch to them all because they weren't good at it. >.> I took one home with me while I was typing up my previous entry but he was.....really not good so I ended up saying "bored now" and ejecting him. I'm.... not always a nice person. lol.

Lemme tell you about the worst club I've ever worked at.

Not gonna name any names, but if you know me there's a decent chance you heard me complain about this place at some point.

I worked there sometime in the end of 2013. It had been open for a little while when I applied, but whenever I had gone to look at it, it had always been empty with one or two girls working. When I finally applied I did it because I had noticed the traffic had been consistently 20k+ in the Search. So I thought maybe they were having events or expanding their clientele. Plus I generally do prefer clubs where I am not required to be on voice whenever I am on stage, since I live with my RL BF and a room mate. Not that either of them mind me voicing. I just don't like more or less ignoring my BF to voice in SL when he's home.

Anyways, I applied and got hired. And I quickly figured out there were no events, and almost no clients. What there WAS were 15-25 bots at any given time. I don't mind when a club has a couple bots, especially if they're used for group invites or some other purpose, but 15-25 is nothing but a bot traffic farm.

I ignored it while I was there because, eh, the traffic helped random people come in and if I was working, more often than not, I got tipped. They didn't all STAY, especially when there was a staff of 3-7 girls, depending on who had been randomly fired that day. But I made decent enough $L there. Enough that for the last month I was there I was the highest tipped girl on the board. Then the owner "cleared" the board and within a couple days I was at the top again. More on that later.

The girl I spent most of my time talking to there was randomly fired one day. Because the manager/co-owner thought that she was being disrespectful when really, she had just made a joke that the owners couldn't understand. And they wouldn't let anyone try to explain the situation or give their version of it either. Neither of them speak English all that well. It's certainly not their first language and they have trouble with complex sentences or ideas. Not that I have anything against people who speak English as a second language, but it CAN be hard to communicate with them sometimes. So, that girl was fired on the spot.

Within a week or so I was ejected from the group. When I asked why I was told that because I was a "two-faced liar" that owned a "club".

The "club" in question? A skybox that was, yes, in my picks. And yes, there was an online notification board in it, as well as a tip jar in case anyone TP'd in and wanted to check if I was online or leave a tip/tribute. There was no dance poles, or dance furniture. There was a couple couches and a greedy table. So, that was my "club". Oh, and it also had a traffic of 15.

So when I told the owner that was a ridiculous reason to fire her highest tipped girl she said I was no longer the highest tipped because she had reset the board again. Like suddenly resetting the board meant that all the money that I had earned, along with the cut they took, just didn't exist anymore. I laughed, told her to enjoy her 20 bot traffic and was immediately banned.

Fast forward a bit. Not a few weeks later and the club was no long showing in the top search results when I looked up "escorts". So I searched for it specifically and it had moved land and dropped down to about 3k traffic. It stayed that way for a long time. Later as I was looking through the newly opened clubs, like I do sometimes when I'm bored, I found one I'd never heard of. Tried to TP over and.... I was banned. Looked into it a bit and it was the same club, but with a new name. It stayed that way for a while, and just within the last week or so it has gone BACK to the original name.

Well. I'm a nosy fucker. >.> So tonight I decide to get on an alt and see what it looks like now. Following are two pics I took. One shows the TWO rented adboards they have, [ names and faces of the girls blocked for their privacy ]. There were some bot names I recognized from my time there, as well as a few ones. Picture of my radar included, with names blocked out there as well. I tried to go up to the bots to get pics of them, but there's a security orb in their bot box with them, so I wasn't able to.

But, yeah, with all of 2 dancers/escorts, they clearly need those 13 bots to get the 20k+ traffic they currently have again.

09 May, 2014

N•6 // Junko!

I just want to tell you how absolutely in love with this hair I am. No joke. I saw it posted on Flickr and that it came out on Friday. Well, if you hadn't noticed by the times I usually post, I'm a bit of a night owl. So starting at about, oh, 2am I realized, "HEY. It is TECHNICALLY Friday!!" So, yeah. I sorta stalked Spellbound for this hair. Every once in a while when I wasn't doing other things I'd TP over JUST to see if this hair was released. That is how much I love this hair.

Isn't it fucking AMAZING? She's also made some absolutely ADORABLE bear clips for this style that you can buy separately. I just don't have them on in this pic. This hair though is not coming off my head for a good long while, I can tell you that much right now! 

B O D Y ↓
• Shape // My Own
• Skin // The Sugar Garden - Hope - Tone X
• Hair // + Spellbound + - Junko * NEW *
• Eyes // Mayfly - Luminous 
• Teeth // DeeTalez 
• Ears // Mandala
• Hands // Slink

A C C E S S O R I E S ↓
• Necklace // Cute Poison - Tagged Necklace
• Bangles R // Mandala
• Bangles L // Bishes

C LO T H E S ↓
• Lingerie Set // Hard Candy - Birthday Set 

P O S E ↓
Ploom // PYT

I kinda miss this guy...

He spoiled the shit out of me and we had fun together. Until he left. Twice. Once he came back and said he left because he felt guilty about cheating in his RL relationship. The second time he never came back. One day we were good, spending time together, shopping, fucking. The next day he'd deleted me and I've never heard from him again.

Been thinking about him the last few days. Dunno why he left again. Dunno if he's still in SL at all. Ah well.

08 May, 2014

It's mah avatah an' I do what I want.

Fucking people pissing me off man. This guy in a group I'm in starts going off about how he hates that a girl's avatar can have a cute face and then "ruin" it with big boobs and/or ass. Starts making fun of the way it looks and talking about how a girl can make three asses out of the giant one she has and so on.

I don't say anything for a while until he says something about the giant boobs would make her back sore and I had to make a smart ass comment about how luckily avatars don't get sore.

And I was nice enough and wasn't TRYING to start anything, but eventually the annoyance was building up.

Because.... who the fuck cares what your avatar looks like? I mean, sure, I make fun of some avis when they're 800+ days old and wearing system shoes and bling or something. Or if I see someone with a gigantic ass I might say to Ell or whoever I'm talking to "Holy shit that's a big ass". But if you've taken the time to put your avatar together in a way that YOU find attractive, who is anyone to judge you?

Why should my PIXELS of all things have to live up to your beauty standards?

It's fine that big boobs or asses or pink hair or tattoos or whatever aren't your personal taste, but who are you to say that if they're someone else's they are "ruining" their avatar?

You're being a self centered ass, that's who you are.

I've considered leaving this group in the past just because even though it's about a topic very near and dear to me, I can't seem to just feel comfortable with them. I've tried going to hang out and whatever but.... *shrugs*. We'll see though. I paid to be in the group so I shouldn't leave it just because one guy came across like a judgmental and close minded dick.

N•5 // If you like some big 'ol titties...

Check out my newest pair. xD They aren't for everyday wear but hey, sometimes I feel like having ridiculously large boobs. Plus I love that these new ones from VString are fitted mesh. So they react to shape changes, AND physics layers. They're almost hypnotizing really. :D

These are the VString Revolutions in Silicone. There are several different size/shapes including petite, natural and XXL as well as some others. The demos are 1L, but you can try them on and try on the physics layers they come with, so 1L isn't terrible.

Lola's appliers work on these, including the skin appliers, HOWEVER nipple appliers do not. But it was fairly easy to get my nipples looking good with the supplied options. There are of course a range of piercings, and these have RLV interactions available.

You can find all the sizes/ and demos HERE.

04 May, 2014

I am an EXCELLENT pilot.

Kinda tired and going to my parents' for dinner tonight in RL, but wanted to post this .gif from the other night real quick.

Ell and I were doing the Pink Fusion hunt and well....we're easily distracted by stuff.

02 May, 2014

Listen up bitches.

Going to a freelance escort place, or working in an escort club, and complaining in local about how hard it is to get hired, how slow it is, how long you've been waiting for a customer, etc. does NOT make you desirable.

In fact, it's annoying. And it sounds desperate. Annnnd personally makes ME think "If no one has wanted your ass in the 9 hours you said you've been here, then why would anyone wanna change that for you now that you're bitchin' about it?"


I've stood around freelance sims for hours and not gotten hired. It happens to all of us. I get it. But bitching and moaning and whining in local is not cute.

Just shut it.

[19:55] Some Guy: Business has been very slow.
[19:55] Whining Bitch: yes very
[19:55] Whining Bitch: i ben here going on 9 hours
[19:57] Whining Bitch: hopefully someone finds me sexy enough for sexy time
[19:57] Whining Bitch: but mostly men come here with no cash
[19:58] Whining Bitch: why its slow
[19:58] Whining Bitch: 75% has no money
[19:59] Whining Bitch: 25% has cash to buy pussy
[19:59] Whining Bitch: thats why its so frustrating
[20:00] Whining Bitch: many girls dont get business im not only girl

Oh yeah bby. Complain in local some more. That gets alllll the dicks hard.

Felt like it was time for a new profile picture.

N•4 // Enchanted 2014

Enchanted 2014 has started! For anyone that has never done one of these, here is the blog where you can find the instructions, list of stores and images of the prizes available → Enchantment Blog

The theme is Sleeping Beauty and there's so much gorgeous stuff available! I have no idea what I'm going to ever use this skin for but I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. lol. Anyways, on to the credits!

B O D Y ↓
• Shape // My Own
• Skin // The Sugar GardenEnchantment Prize
• Eyes // Mayfly - Luminous Mesh Eye [Pale Paris]
• Breasts // Lola's Tango
• Hands & Feet // Slink
• Booty // L.inc - Cute Azz
• Hair // Lelutka // Evilly
• Teeth // Illmatic

A C C E S S O R I E S ↓
• Bangles // Mandala
• Horns // The Sugar Garden - Enchantment Purchase Item 
Necklace // Maxi Gossamer

C L O T H E S ↓
• Lingerie // Violent Seduction - Enchantment Prize
• Shoes // Dirty Princess

P O S E S ↓
!bang // Good & Evil - Enchantment Prize