22 January, 2015

Never a dull moment at Babygirls Escorts. lmao.

The owner, DJ, encourages and supports my random weird ass side. He gives Ell and I silly toys to play with, like the unicorn head, go-karts, scooters.... last night I laughed so hard with him and Ell that I was literally in tears and gave myself a headache. It was fucking magical and probably some of the most fun I've had in SecondLife in a while.

10 January, 2015

Babygirls Escorts

It's been a slow, lazy, COLD day today. Dancing a bit at a new place called Babygirls Escorts. The owners are nice, and the rules are simple. Nothing too crazy or controlling. Which I like. So since I was there I decided to fiddle around with Gimp a bit and make a banner for it in my picks.

And here it is.


08 January, 2015


If you haven't heard, the theme for January's Collabor88 is UNICORNS.
HNNNNG. @.@ I freakin' love unicorns. I always have. I was one of those kids. You know those kids. The ones with unicorn stuff all over their room. Yeah, that was me. It still is, kinda, except now I have fewer unicorn items in RL and the ones I do have are nicely displayed on a shelf.

In SecondLife however.... I went into a unicorn buying FRENZY this morning. I spent L$6,000 at Collabor88. And I'll likely go back for a few more of the items in different colors before the month is through.

Lu, if you're reading this, I could sure use L$6,000 right about now! xD lol Hell, anyone that's reading this, I could use 6k right about now! 

But seriously, unicorns are worth it. There will be plenty of pictures of me in some of my new items later on, but right now I'm dancing my pink covered, unicorn lovin' ass off at Escort Oasis in hopes of at least recouping a third of today's spending. Wish me luck!


07 January, 2015

Rarrrrgh. D:

I know my layout is still sort of screwed up, but I'm a little too annoyed to delve into the process of figuring out why yet. >.<  I have no idea why the date area just says undefined. *sigh* But I'll figure it out eventually! lol. It's probably something stupid.

Annnyways, I wanna rant. Which is nothing new right? I do that all the time here. It's one of the main reasons I have this here. lol. Sometimes there's shit about secondlife that annoys the fuck out of me and I don't really want to put it all over Facebook, and anyone who DOESN'T play SL wouldn't understand any of it anyways.

So. I've been working in a club in SL for a few months now. It's been fine. I've gotten tipped, met a few people and been hired from it a few times. There's some girls there that I don't care for, but that's what happens when women work together. Our personalities just don't mesh so I don't really enjoy being around them. No problem. I generally just don't work when they're there. It's pretty easy to avoid people. lol.

Now one of the reasons I came to this club to work is SPECIFICALLY because in the rules it says, and I quote:

★Voice is preferred and allowed here HOWEVER it is NOT required.

Awesome! I can voice sometimes and the times I can't or aren't in the mood to, I don't have to! Right?


I THOUGHT I was right since I've been working there for months now. I've been in there with and without voice. I've had the owners and general manager and other managers in there with me while I was NOT on voice. No one ever said a word. Then today one of them IMs me and says I HAVE to be able to hear voice while working.


REALLY?!? Monnnths later and now you're telling me I have to hear voice? Months after I've been working there and making tips and getting hired and giving you a cut. Months after I've been renting a room on your sim because I thought it was a cute idea. Months after, between paying that rent, their cut and my adboard, I've given you thousssandsss of Linden, you decide I have to have voice on. FOR FUCK'S SAKE. COME ON.

I get that a lot of people love voice in SL. I know that. But I also know that there are plenty that don't. I want to be able to voice when I feel like it, but not be required to do it when I don't. Honestly, 90% of my clients are text only. I've had 5 figure days of earning with just text. Multiple times. My emotes are generally well liked. Hell, I know several guys who prefer to not ever use voice because they say it takes them out of the fantasy.

SO if you're going to REQUIRE voice to be on, maybe you shouldn't have in your rules that VOICE IS NOT REQUIRED. DOES THAT MAKE FUCKING SENSE TO YOU?

I'm contemplating quitting the club. I dunno. I can go in sometimes with voice when it's empty I guess. Because last time I had my voice on in there I heard two managers, a girl and a client talking about the most retarded shit. Dog fucking and gay husbands and how they're practically virgins anyways and just... lots of crude, vulgar things that generally probably shouldn't be on the club floor. You obviously know I don't have a problem with crude, vulgar things but a lot of potential clients DO. So unless your club is catering towards those themes, the club floor should be more subdued and seductive than crass and vulgar.


I'll probably end up quitting.

06 January, 2015

Probably unrelated events, but hey, I smiled.

I know this is going to make me sound like a catty bitch, but hey, sometimes I AM a catty bitch so it's ok.

Every where you work there's always going to be some people you don't like. I think that's even more true when you're a woman working with only woman, like in an SL adult club. There are NUMEROUS girls that work at this club that I don't particularly care for, for whatever reasons. And I don't try to cause drama or anything intentionally. If I'm working at the same time as they are, I just mind my own business, though I generally try to just avoid them completely for my own sake.

Some of them are just obnoxious and rude. And earlier today I came in while one of them was dancing and getting tipped by a guy. I got on the stage on the opposite side of the room and didn't even say hello. I decided to let the girls that were talking to him just keep going without me interrupting to say hi to everyone. Within minutes of being on stage the guy had tipped the girl I don't like 2 or 3 times. Good for her.

Then he tipped me too. I was a bit surprised since I hadn't even said hi, but I emoted him. Within like 2 minutes he IMs me and asks for my card. She announced she was leaving, and then he hired me. xD

03 January, 2015

Height Problems.

So we all know the height in the avatar edit area of SL is pretty fickle. Firestorm will say you're one thing, SL's viewer will say another, and there are dozens of various height detectors for sale as well.

My viewer says I'm 5'6, in flat feet, no hover. A few of my height detectors range a bit differently, but are all still generally about the same ballpark.

I TP over to a Lolita sim to check it out and I get a security guy or something IMing me and telling me to "grow up a little". This is the SECOND time someone there has told me I look like a child. So before going there this time around I actually took care to make sure there was no way my avi could be mistaken for underage. But I mean, I still had pigtails because come onnn. Lolita place? Pigtails? Obviously.

Anyways, he says I'm showing up as being 4'11. I said, "Really??" in a bit of an incredulous manner because...well, REALLY? I tell him what my viewer and height detectors at home had said and that his scanner was waaay different than mine, with an obligatory "lol" thrown in because I wasn't trying to be a bitch I was just laughing at the ridiculous differences. Then he gets a little snotty like, "Yes, I is better the yours". That's a direct quote btw.

At this point I'm just like, screw it. Not worth it, and left.

But come onnnn. Really? Under 5 foot? I don't think so.