27 October, 2012

Missing Kovu // Working

I'm not really ready to talk about what happened with Kovu yet. He's still in my partner box, and everything was on good terms. He just needed to leave SL for a while. And I miss him like crazy.

Still trying to work and breed the kitties and just keep myself entertained. Here's what happened at Redlight this evening that kind of gave me a chuckle:

[01:13] Jacques: hey
[01:14] Slut Fallen: hello :)
[01:19] Slut Fallen: can I help you?
[01:19] Jacques Jacques  (auto-response): Got some Lindens for me? pleaaase ! ...
[01:20] Jacques : you cam?
[01:20] Slut Fallen: sometimes, but guessing from your autoresponse message, you probably can't afford me.
[01:21] Jacques : lol

16 October, 2012

Hey Diddle Diddle

I just LOVED Kovu's display for his moo kitty that he auctioned off at Too Adorable yesterday. Kitty is jumping over a moon, and he  named it Hey Diddle Diddle. xD 

14 October, 2012

Does that line usually work for you?

[03:28] Naked Man: hi
[03:28] Me: hi
[03:28] Naked Man: how are u bitch
[03:29] Me: Fine. Yourself fucker?

13 October, 2012

// l a w l //

Yeaaaah. That's.....that's what he wants his penis to be like.


Ok then.

Best quote of the night.

Doing some work at Redlight and some guy tells me about how a cam girl scammed him out of 900L.

Him: i now no have other linden.:(
Me: :(
Him: i handjob alone:(