22 November, 2012


I might be a little slow to put things together sometimes, but that's because I'm frequently putting together little things no one else noticed.

Let's take last night in the club for example.

Cast of characters:
Me - Me. Obviously.
D - Girl that has worked there for a long time.
X - Random trainee girl.
Mk - Guy that comes in there fairly often.
L - Random guy there.

So. I'm writing this out because I JUST figured it out. Not like I was thinking about last night or trying to figure anything. I didn't think there was anything to figure out. But apparently my brain put together pieces I didn't know I had while I slept.

D and X are dancing on stage. I come in and MK says hello and I start dancing. L says hi and all of us are talking on voice a bit. MK says he wishes he had 8 more linden, because then he'd have 69L and makes a joke about how his partner had gone to see him DJ and only tipped him 38L. D laughs and says she sounds like someone she'd get along with. At this point I look at his profile because he comes in there fairly often and I didn't remember him being partnered. It's to some girl, we'll call B.

MK later comes over and sits with me, whereas he'd previously been sitting with D. He proceeds to flirt with me on voice quite a bit. Nothing too bad, just playful flirting and of course I flirt back. L leaves the club to go to bed or something at this point. MK stays sitting with me for a while until some other random guy comes in. He moves back to sit with D, commenting that he was being a chair whore. Few minutes go by and MK IMs me to ask if his flirting was "agressive". I said no, and I had enjoyed it. To which he replies that someone had said to him that he might as well just fuck me on the floor right there in the club. I didn't ask who said it, but of course it struck me as odd. Who would care that he and I were flirting?

At some point he also mentioned D's accent.

When he logs for the night he says good night, and happy Thanksgiving, or for B, happy Thursday. I'd forgotten at that point that B was the name of his partner. I just assumed maybe it was D's real name and he had slipped and used it.

Later he IMs me asking "What did I say about Thursday?" At that point, it hadn't stuck in my mind so I said I had no clue. Now though, once it's all fit itself together in my head without the background of chattering with people and trying to stay awake, it's blatantly obvious to me that B is D's alt and she and MK partnered on that name.

02 November, 2012

Mild Aggravation.

I was dancing at the club I work at this morning and this guy comes in and tips me. He sits down in a chair at the stage next to me, which was empty, because the chair directly in front of me was taken. When the person sitting there leaves I say to him in local that he can feel free to scoot over and sit closer now if he would like to. Keep in mind he'd already been tipping me and we'd already been talking. He and I joke back and forth a bit and then he moves over and sits with me.

Then I get an IM from the manager that was working there at the moment telling me not to tell people to sit with me.

Uhm. I didn't? He'd been tipping me so I just let him know that he could sit with me if he wanted to. And I see girls do this ALL the time. The owner, managers, everyone tells guys they are welcome to have a seat. It's not like I told him to come sit with me when he was just some random guy standing around. He was someone that was already tipping me and interacting with me and I simply let him know that he could sit with me instead of sitting at the empty stage if he wanted to.

I just replied to her and said "k" instead of trying to argue my point, because fuck it. Whatever. But it just got on my nerves a little bit that I got called out when I don't think I actually did anything wrong. That happens there though. I once got accused of copy/pasting emotes because, and I quote, "no one can type that fast." Bullshit. Just because you can't type 80wpm doesn't mean that no one can.

All in all I really do like the club I work at. But every once in a while something just irks me a bit.

27 October, 2012

Missing Kovu // Working

I'm not really ready to talk about what happened with Kovu yet. He's still in my partner box, and everything was on good terms. He just needed to leave SL for a while. And I miss him like crazy.

Still trying to work and breed the kitties and just keep myself entertained. Here's what happened at Redlight this evening that kind of gave me a chuckle:

[01:13] Jacques: hey
[01:14] Slut Fallen: hello :)
[01:19] Slut Fallen: can I help you?
[01:19] Jacques Jacques  (auto-response): Got some Lindens for me? pleaaase ! ...
[01:20] Jacques : you cam?
[01:20] Slut Fallen: sometimes, but guessing from your autoresponse message, you probably can't afford me.
[01:21] Jacques : lol

16 October, 2012

Hey Diddle Diddle

I just LOVED Kovu's display for his moo kitty that he auctioned off at Too Adorable yesterday. Kitty is jumping over a moon, and he  named it Hey Diddle Diddle. xD 

14 October, 2012

Does that line usually work for you?

[03:28] Naked Man: hi
[03:28] Me: hi
[03:28] Naked Man: how are u bitch
[03:29] Me: Fine. Yourself fucker?

13 October, 2012

// l a w l //

Yeaaaah. That's.....that's what he wants his penis to be like.


Ok then.

Best quote of the night.

Doing some work at Redlight and some guy tells me about how a cam girl scammed him out of 900L.

Him: i now no have other linden.:(
Me: :(
Him: i handjob alone:(

17 September, 2012

Royal Blue 52 Weeks of Color :: 9/9 to 9/15.

The Arcade - Gacha Event 2012

It's been a long time since I've updated. The last time I did was when Kovu and I went dancing that first time together. 2 months later, and been too busy for blog posts. The two months have flown by and we're nearing our second month SLanniversary together. That one morning dancing let to so much more, and I couldn't be happier.

But I still want to blog and write, so I need to try and get my ass in gear. He's not always on, and sometimes when he is he's lost in his world of KittyCats, so there's no excuse for me not to give an update more often. And what better way to start trying to do that then by blogging about The Arcade.

Good God people. I went into this thinking, "Ok, I'm JUST got to spend 1k. I'm just going to hit the machines with stuff that I want, and no more than 3 times per machine." HAH!! 1.5k later I'm sitting in my living room, surrounded by boxes and bags and shoes and hamsters. HAMSTERS.

But even through the whirlwind and minor aftershock, I'm happy. I got the platinum studded ears with the bow. Finally got my L marquee sign, though I did also get stuck with two Qs in the process. No U though. What am I supposed to do with that? And also the Cotton Candy dwarf hamster. Plus a lot of random other.....THINGS. All in all it was a fun time, even though I went over my budget and got some things that will probably never again see the light of SL day again.

19 July, 2012

Nice to get out sometimes.

This morning 4Play was under construction as we were moved into the new building, so I had several VIPs IMing me asking "Where's the club?". Kovu happened to be one of them and we ended up wandering off to dance together at Sanctuary Rock.

Most of my SL time is spent dancing, escorting or shopping. I hardly every just go hang out with someone anymore. And it was kind of nice to do just that. Moos eventually joined us there too for a wee bit, then when the region restarted Kovu and I ended up going to visit Sats while she was working.

Was just a bit of a relaxing morning. Granted, I was EXHAUSTED since I hadn't slept yet, but that was ok.

15 July, 2012

Not that kind of whore.

Sometimes I wish I was an attention whore in SL. But then I suppose I would end up hating myself. I hear girls that natter on about absolutely nothing, or fawn over a few guys and get all this attention and praise and every once in a while I get a little jealous. I'm much quieter and a bit more reserved. I don't like talking just for the sake of talking and I don't like acting out just to get someone to notice me. To be honest, I'm not sure I could do that even if I tried.

But....it would be nice to have some attention sometimes from a sexy, intelligent man.

Ahh well.

14 July, 2012


Oh Lord. SL drama cracks me up sometimes.

So I log onto SL and my friend sends me a TP to hang out with him and some of his other friends. I ask who's there and he asks if it matters. I shrug and take the TP. I get there and his ex is there. Who is also an ex co-worker of mine from 4 Play Lounge. She no longer works there now so I haven't seen her in a while.

When I landed my voice chat wasn't working. My friend, we'll call him R for this post, tells me that everyone is on voice so I start fiddling with it to get it to work. In the process of it R tells me that his ex, K, is flipping out because I'm there. Apparently she hates me because she thinks R chose me over her. Which isn't true. I never tried to break them up or anything. The reason they entered splitsville was not of my doing. But she doesn't care. She's young and I'm an easy scapegoat.

I manage to get voice working just in time to hear one of the other girls there ask if I actually DID anything and K starts going off about some rumor. I say in local then that I didn't actually do anything, but it didn't matter because I'm leaving. K starts telling me not to go that she's just going to talk to her friend in IMs. R tells me that we're at K's house and then I feel a bit bad so I just TP out.

I don't know what the "rumor" going around is, but I'm kind of curious. R apologizes and I tell him not to worry about it. I'm not mad at all, and in fact I find the whole situation rather entertaining. xD

13 July, 2012

My new SL profile picture

What's your digits?

I've seen this going around the SL blogosphere for about a year or so now, and I decided I'd finally give it a go. After looking at the numbers I've realized I may have a bit of a gorilla arm thing going on. Hah.

And my boobs are a lot larger than most of the SL fashonista's that I see. But hey. When you work as a pixel stripper and escort, it's totally allowed. But that does make fitting mesh clothing a pain in the ass sometimes. I have a few mesh tops that I'll wear that either come with a busty option, or they're just totally worth my tweaking my shape a bit to wear. I don't mind if the outfit is super worth it. It's not like I can't change it back to this afterwards. xD Ah the joys of SL. I wish I had body shape sliders in RL.

12 July, 2012

Another introduction.

I've made a lot of blogs over the years, but none of them have ever really lasted very long. Except my livejournal. And I think the reason I keep moving around and making more blogs is because I want to have an experience that is comparable to LJ. I wrote in that many times a day, for years. I made some true friends there. Some that I still have now. And ever since I've been looking for another place and way to bare my soul without fear of judgement. Every new blog I make I tell myself, "This will be the one. This will be the blog where I can talk about anything and everything." And somehow, it never works out that way. It always turns into a niche blog and then I end up with several to keep track of. My sex blog. My depression blog. My "normal" blog. My secondlife blog. And then because I'm oversaturated with blogs to choose from, they all end up like crap and I end up unsatisfied.

So. Here we go again. This is going to be an attempt at a for realsies "everything" blog. No holding back anything. No hiding my feelings or the like.

I'm sure it's gonna be a fucked up ride.